Bio-enriched Organic Manure

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Packing 25/50/1000 Kgs HDPE Bags With inner liners.
Application Fertilizers Grade

Bio-enriched Organic Manure is a value added product produced by co-compositing various organic wastes with microbial bio fertilizers inoculum.


  • Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
  • Improve the soil structure, air circulation and water retention capacity of the soil.
  • Retains nutrients and prevents them from leaching away the plant roots.
  • Increase the yield and quality of field, vegetable, tree and fruit crops.


It is a unique Bio Enriched Organic manure manufactured from biodegradable organic substances, mainly of plant origin, through controlled accelerated microbial composting process. It is free from unwanted bacteria / insect eggs, unwanted plant pathogens.


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