Liquid Consortla

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Applications Fertilizers Grade

Useful In All Crops Including Legumes. It is a consortium of Rhizobium, Azotobactor, Phosphobacteria, and Potash Solubilizing biofertilizers. It increases the availability of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium in the crops.


  • A biofertilizer that is a consortium of Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Acetobacter, Phospho Bacteria- Psuedomonus and Potassium Solution-Baciles bacteria which are atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus fixing organisms.
  • Bio NPK Improves the moisture holding capacity of soil. Bio NPK Makes soil soft and porous. Bio NPK Helpful in maintaining right pH of the soil. Bio NPK Better utilization of organic and inorganic fertilizer and hence reduces the wastage of fertilizers.


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